Friday, March 19, 2010

Pushing for Health Care to Serve All

I've been thinking what I might do to express my opinion just one more time on the subject of health care reform.  Sure, I can send emails again, but what would I say that's different?

So, I wandered over to the Episcopal Public Policy Network, and looked in the Action Alert Archive.  There I discovered this, posted March 1:

This letter was sponsored by the Health Care Working Group of the Washington Interreligious Staff Community (WISC) and Faithful Reform in Health Care. In addition to the names and organizations listed above, over 4,000 members of faith communities from all 50 states have signed it. The letter and all signatures may be viewed at
You can read the letter in full here.

What I found compelling for me is that this is the wider community of faith standing together.  The Episcopal Church participated in this letter, as did many others.

So, I'm going to literally copy and paste this into emails to my Representative and my Senators  (remember, the Senate will still have to pass through reconciliation the House adjustments), adding at the top, "I agree with this letter and these religious leaders."

My Representative happens to be clergy, and his denomination is prominent in this letter.  I hope that's as meaningful for him as it is for me (and I believe it will be).  Check the letter out, and see if it's as meaningful for you.  Then decide what you can do to bring health care to all.

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