Thursday, June 05, 2008

Seeing Into Hearts and Minds of Chaplains

PlainViews is an online journal devoted to chaplaincy. I think it's a fine and important journal, valuable enough that it's over on your left, in my permanent links.

And sometimes there's a particular article I think worth calling to everyone's attention. Actually, today there are two. The first is "Bad Death," byRev. Kirk M. Ruehl, a chaplain with Hospice at the Chaplaincy in Kennewick, Washington. He writes, both in poetry and prose, about the idea of the "bad death" (as opposed, as you'll understand, to the "good death"). His article is moving and thought-provoking.

Which brings us to the second article. It's "Bad Death – Responses." A number of chaplains write back in response to Chaplain Ruehl's article with their own thoughts. They are also moving and thought-provoking, and can give you a sense of the breadth, depth, and sensitivity among my colleagues in this ministry.

Take the time to read these two posts at PlainViews. They can give you some glimpses, brief but brilliant, into the hearts and minds of chaplains as they care for those who die and those they leave behind.

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